2012 EPILOGUE 4a

Before the gaze was abruptly interrupted, my eyes drank in the dark rolling hairs, diminishing to a fuzz line just around the vulva. The clitoris’ pink pearl catching sunlight, as her right leg freed itself, her foot thrusting into my chest.

I tumbled at least twice and when I landed belly down and looked up, she was in a squatting position. Legs together, breasts just behind the knees, her left arm around her legs and her right hand extended to the ground, palm firmly grounded. She was a beauty no matter the position or pose. Some will say her lineage are the daughters of the daughters of the daughters of a queen. Some twenty five hundred years in the making since Gorgo of Sparta ruled her people. And if this be her, she has already impressed me royally.

‘How in the hell did you get here, naked and everything?’ I asked in the manliest tone I could gather, my breath barely returning. ‘Are you alright’ I followed as I scraped myself from the grassy surface. ‘Where are your clothes?’ I made two steps in her direction, and she stopped me cold with a stare. Her piercing black eyes surrounded by squints of white were both foreboding and mesmerizing. My body wanted to go to hers, yet my mind held me fast to the ground on which I stood. I thought for a moment I could just squat and kneel, and enjoy the beauty before me, but before I could, the air was filled with her shrieks and wails. And then the bawling started.

I turned to stare across the lake, noticing that the water line had dropped another couple of feet. The freshly receded mud glistening in the sunlight, the banks already drying in the early morning heatwave. And then I saw them, bodies it seemed, farther around the lake nearest the tree line some thousand yards to the east. I began walking towards them, and then my feet stretching the pace, I could make out the bodies clearly as I neared the five hundred yard mark. I know my gait was a run, but quickly slowed up as the reality of the scene I was viewing manifested itself. Even from a few hundred yards away I could see the scarred flesh of their faces, their hair scorched back away from their skulls. Their clothes appeared to be melded onto their bodies with no differentiation of what was once flesh or cloth. I was at a stumbling walk as I got within the final steps, approaching them from the tree bank side. I looked back towards the west, towards Penelope, and could only make out a small dark dot against the feigning tree line which ended just to its west. The sand replacing the green life which still embraced us, seemed endless in its stretch. And already, even a mile away, the waves of heat rising from it made ripples dance rhythmically, to and fro in all directions.


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